Emmanuel Baptist Church, Grenada, Mississippi
Thursday, March 13, 2025
To Know Christ and To Make Him Known
Prayer Mentor InitiativeWe are calling on the adults of Emmanuel Baptist Church to become a part of STAND1715 and pray for our College Students, our Youth, and our Children. We are seeking those who will "stand in the gap" in prayer these young people. For more information or to sign up, please go to the following links. By the time school begins in August, we would like to have as many youth, children, and college students sign up to be prayed for and at least 1-3 adults who will commit to praying for each of these participants.
Click the following links for information or to sign up!!!Information about STAND1715Sign Up to be a Prayer MentorSign up to Be a Prayed For(Parents, can sign your college students, youth, or children up as well.)
Thank you for your thoughtful attention to this over the coming weeks.