Emmanuel Baptist Church, Grenada, Mississippi
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
To Know Christ and To Make Him Known
Is Christianity the One True Religion?
Yes, the Bible teaches that Christianity is the one true religion. Jesus said that He alone was the way the the Father (John 14:6).Christians believe he was the Son of God (John 8:58; Exodus 3:14), who forgave sins (Mark 2:5; Luke 5:20; 7:48), and who rose from the dead (Luke 24:24-29; John 2:19).Buddha didn't rise from the dead, nor did Confucius. Muhammad didn't fulfill detailed prophecy. There is far less reliable information written about them, yet they are believed in.Well, if Christianity is the one true religion, then how can I become a Christian? How can I really have peace and fulfillment in my life?
That is a great question. In fact, it is the greatest question you may ever ask: How can I be saved or become a Christian?It is much more than joining a church. In essence, it is having a personal relationship with God. It is also knowing that if I die, then I will go to heaven. That is wonderful assurance and it can all be yours my letting Jesus Christ be your Lord and Saviour.Let me share some very helpful scripture verses which should answer this all-important question. How can I become a Christian?Number 1: It starts with admitting that we are sinners and need a Savior (Romans 3:23). The Bible says that "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." This means we all are sinners.Number 2: We must recognize that God loves us and has paid the ultimate price to buy our salvation. In fact, it cost His Son, Jesus, His life. Jesus died on the Cross for our sins so that we may be saved. John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but will have everlasting life."Number 3: We must confess or commit our lives to Jesus Christ. It is more than just believing that Jesus died for us, but rather it is believing that he will save us and forgive us if we will receive Him into our hearts and commit our lives to Him. Romans 10:9 says: "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."Finally, the Bible promises in Romans 10:13: "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." That is a wonderful promise.
Is this something that you have been searching for?If you would like to become a Christian, why don't you find a quiet place and pray this simple pray? The prayer itself doesn't save, but trusting in Jesus Christ does?
Lord Jesus,I know that I am sinner and need to be saved. I know that you are my only hope for salvation and more than anything else I want to have you in my heart and life. And right now, I open my heart & life to you and ask that you come in and save me from sins and become my Lord and Savior. Thank you Jesus for doing what you promised you would do. I love you.
Now, if you asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart, please tell someone. In fact, e-mail us (Eugene@emmanuelbapt.org) so we can rejoice with you. Also, we would like to help you get connected with a Church and begin your wonderful journey to growing as a Christian.
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